LA Times 'Climate Columnist' Goes After Dodgers For Gas Station Advertisement

In case you needed more examples of why traditional outlets like the Los Angeles Times are dying a rapid death, its attack on the Los Angeles Dodgers by its "climate columnist" may be the best yet.

No one would accuse the Dodgers of not being sufficiently progressive; after all, they spit in the faces of Catholic fans in 2023 by honoring a drag group that hatefully mocks Catholicism and Christianity. But as the Dodgers are hopefully now learning, you can never pander enough to placate the far left. 

READ: Dodgers Bury Anti-Catholic Drag Nuns Award More Than An Hour Before First Pitch, We Got Video Anyway

Sammy Roth, the so-called "climate columnist" starts by saying he's not pleased to report that the Dodgers "won't stop shilling for Phillips 66 – an oil company that California officials have accused of a ‘decades -long campaign of deception’ about climate change."

He then criticizes team ownership for allowing ads for gasoline company throughout the stadium, including the on-deck circles and two circular placements above the stadium scoreboards. This is a problem, according to Roth, because it buys "goodwill with millions of fans, even if the fans don't realize that – staving off the day when Big Oil becomes a social and political pariah, whose products are rightfully seen as harmful to our health and safety."

Roth went further, releasing an unhinged video backing up his nonsensical rhetoric.

There's plenty to criticize the Dodgers for, but this ain't it.

A general view of Dodger Stadium. Photo: Kiyoshi Mio-USA TODAY Sports

Far Left Extremists Attack Anyone Who Doesn't Live Up To Their Delusional Ideology

Roth, like the Times itself, is part of the far left that demands unequivocal compliance with every single one of its beliefs, no matter how deranged and disconnected from reality.

Oil is, of course, necessary for life to thrive and survive, not just for cars and transportation, but for everyday products that virtually everyone uses. But endless misinformation from activists to susceptible individuals like Roth have created an anti-reality doomsday extremism. Any acknowledgment of the necessity of gas is unacceptable. Thus, he describes posting pictures of Dodger Stadium as "inadvertently promoting fossil fuels - and thus a future of ever-worsening wildfires, floods, droughts and sea level rise…"

There is no evidence whatsoever to support a link between fossil fuels and wildfires, floods, droughts or any of the nonsense Roth believes. It's simply something he must believe, because as an unblinking, unthinking progressive, universal, unquestioning acceptance of his dogma requires it. 

The Dodgers are far from perfect; all too often they've caved to pressure from the left because they are run by cowardly corporate executives. And they operate in one of the dumbest, most poorly run cities in America. But criticizing them for having advertisements from a gas station is absurd. 

Roth though, exemplifies LA voters – and why the city continues to slide downwards in every conceivable way.

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